Jacques Germain

Discover the captivating art of Jacques Germain and explore absolute abstraction through his unique and timeless creations.

Jacques Germain, a renowned French artist, was a student at the Académie Moderne, directed by the eminent Fernand Léger and Amédée Ozenfant. His artistic career is marked by a significant influence from these two major figures of modern art.
At a time when Blaise Cendrars and Fernand Léger recommended his admission to the Bauhaus in 1931, Germain briefly explored the horizons of this institution before returning to Paris with the rise of the Nazi regime. He then devoted himself to advertising design, but this was only the beginning of an artistic path that would eventually lead him to devote himself entirely to painting after his release from three years of wartime captivity.
In 1949, Germain held his first exhibition in Paris, marking the start of a series of world's fairs that drew attention to his talent and prolific body of work.
Jacques Germain's work is distinguished by its diversity and depth. Whether through his paintings, drawings or prints, he captured the essence of his time with a unique artistic sensibility.
Jacques Germain's value continues to grow, as evidenced by the results of public auctions of his works, reflecting the growing interest in his work over the years.

If you own a work by Jacques Germain, or if you are interested in appraising and selling a similar work, our experts are at your disposal to provide you with a free and accurate appraisal, as well as advice on the best selling options.

Don't hesitate to consult the articles we have dedicated to Jacques Germain on our website Expertisez Enchères, auction house since 1985.