Alice Baber

Alice Baber, a major artist of 20th-century abstract expressionism, is distinguished by a style characterized by abstract forms, vibrant colors and free artistic expression. Born in Charleston in 1928, she made art history after studying at Lindenwood University and Indiana University.

Her marriage to abstract painter Paul Jenkins in 1964 marked the beginning of a period of international travel and exhibitions around the world, underlining her feminist commitment with exhibitions dedicated to women. As a teacher in the United States, she has demonstrated her dedication to art and education, and her work can be found in renowned museums around the world.

Alice Baber's style, rooted in abstract expressionism, is characterized by organic forms, bold colors, free expression and gestural energy. Belonging to lyrical abstraction, she favors spontaneity and formal experimentation.

On the art market, her works reach significant values. In 2020, "Druid Circles" surpassed its estimate by 31%, fetching $5,250. Oils on canvas range from €40,000 to €500,000, while works on paper, notably watercolors, sell for €1,000 to €30,000. Sustained public interest is evident, with frequent mentions in press archives illustrating the continuing demand for his work.

If you own a work by Alice Baber, our experts in modern and contemporary art are available for a free estimate. Fill in our online form, and our team of experts will provide you with an independent view of the market price. In the event of a potential sale, our specialists will advise you on the best options for maximizing the sale price.