Maria Elena Vieira Da Silva: Un Parcours Artistique Unique

Maria Elena Vieira Da Silva, a discreet artist, made artistic history by fusing abstraction with the architectural imprint of her childhood in Lisbon. Encouraged by a family devoted to art, her meeting with Bissière in Paris in 1932 forged an abstract style far removed from the trends of the time.

Discover the artistic evolution of Maria Elena Vieira Da Silva

Vieira Da Silva's style evolved, particularly after the death of her husband. From the 1940s to the end of her career, her canvases show a brightening palette and changing texture, oscillating between abstract and allegorical. She explored a variety of media, from painting to drawings, prints, ceramics and tapestries.

How much do you value Maria Elena Vieira Da Silva's work?

Her works are highly prized on the art market, with significant price ranges at auction:

Painting: €4,000 - 300,000

Drawing: €4,000 - 300,000

Print: €300 - €2,000

Tapestry: €4,000 - 35,000

How do I get an estimate for a Maria Elena Vieira Da Silva work?

If you own a work by Maria Elena Vieira Da Silva, ask for a free online estimate.
Our experts and auctioneers will provide an independent view of the market price, taking into account her artistic career, and advise you on the best sales options to enhance the value of your work.