Jacques Germain , trois tableaux aux enchères

Jacques Germain was born in Paris in 1915. He quickly turned to art. Very early on, Germain's painting was championed by Jean Grenier and was part of the vast abstract art movement in France that developed after the war.
"Germain's painting is of delicious substance and his colored harmonies are of a symphonic complexity and an exceptional tonal vibrancy. Jacques Germain represents, with a particular clarity, the impressionist concept adapted to abstraction. Certainly, he is in the lineage of brilliant elders whose names are Ubac, Manessier, Bazaine or Le Moal. "Roger Van Gindertael
One can read: "What strikes one above all in the painting of Jacques Germain, it is that it is the restitution, on the impersonal mode, of an affective test, subjected in last resort to the invariable laws of painting..." - Roger Van Gindertael Noting that the magic of the object is exhausted and that the rise of abstraction is the consequence of the accelerated regression of the magical and fetishistic thought, she specifies: " Such a refusal... never comes out in the painting of Jacques Germain to a theoretical determination or to a bias of aggressiveness. It is at the same time translation of an acute conscience of the dispossession of the objects and means of defense against the dispossession. But what it is especially important to see in this painting which masters itself to tend to the rigor, it is that by redistributing the light, by depriving the color of its corporal world in conformity with the optical tradition, it restores to itself an architecture and an order ".
Germain did not deviate from this commitment, acquiring over the years more pictorial freedom, in a colorful burst of extreme refinement - characteristic of his painting -, and in an apparent tangle of vertical and diagonal lines organized in shimmering clusters, sometimes widening or narrowing and whose mastery in no way detracts from this effusion, this lyricism which is so personal to him.

LOT n°36


Jacques GERMAIN (1915-2001) - Composition, 1959 - Huile sur toile signé en bas à droite et datée (19)59 - 97 x 130 cm

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LOT n°37


Jacques GERMAIN (1915-2001) - Composition, 1960 - Huile sur toile signé en bas à droite et datée (19)60 - 146 x 89 cm

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LOT n°38


Jacques GERMAIN (1915-2001) - Composition, 1963 - Huile sur toile signé en bas à droite et datée (19)63 - 146 x 97 cm

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