Guernica de Picasso en 1 mn : un pamphlet contre la guerre

1-Date and context of the work
Dated 1937, it reflects the aerial bombing of the city of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War

2-His message
Emblematic work, it best denounces the absurdity of war.

3- The realization of the work
A monumental fresco, the painting measures nearly three and a half meters by eight meters.
In 3 days, Picasso made 45 preliminary studies. During the preparatory period, the painting, painted in black and white, will know eight successive states before its final version. Dora Maar, muse and lover of the artist, will take pictures throughout the development of the painting.

4-The painting and dictatorships
The painting was moved to New York during the Second World War and at Picasso's request, it remained there until democracy returned to Spain and then returned to Madrid in 1981 after the death of Franco.

5- Anecdote

During the war, Picasso was visited by German officers in his studio in the rue des grands augustins (in front of a photo of Guernica, the latter asked: "Did you do that? And Picasso would have answered: "No, it's you!

Elodie Couturier,

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